How to lower the uric acid in Natural and Effective

September 17, 2016 Add Comment
How to lower the uric acid in Natural and Effective - need to know what it was gout, where uric acid comes from, why high uric acid levels cause disease, and why high uric acid levels should be lowered. Uric acid is a byproduct of the decomposition of a chemical compound called 'purines', purine exists in the cells of our body and in the food we eat. Purin is actually essential for the human body because it can be a source of energy and protein for the body. And uric acid is also good for us because it acts as an antioxidant that can counteract free radicals and protect the body cells to stay healthy. Is the work of the kidneys to process the production of uric acid and remove metabolic wastes that come out from our body through urine, and bit through feces. What Causes Gout High Blood? Although the kidneys normally maintain uric acid at normal level, there are times when the kidneys are not able to do this, as a result of increased uric acid / excess in the blood. So that could be concluded that there are two main causes of the high levels of uric acid in the blood, namely: Kidney did not work well enough Too many uric acid production as a result of purine metabolism and renal sehatpun inadequate to process.


What are the consequences if a high uric acid in the body? Levels of uric acid in the blood is a condition known as 'hyperuricemia.' If the uric acid in the blood allowed to linger so he can be crystallized or lead to the production of uric acid crystals to precipitate in joints, tendons and surrounding tissue. In these conditions, the uric acid crystals is seen as foreign by the body's defense. As a result of our body system reacts to the persistence of uric acid crystals and there arises an inflammatory reaction that causes inflammatory symptoms such as redness, swelling, heat, inflammation, stiffness and severe pain.

                                 Crystals of uric acid settles in the joints in patients with gout                                                                                                                                                                            These symptoms are siebut gout attacks. In other words, high uric acid levels in the body can lead to gout. How to lower uric acid? Here, simple tips how to lower uric acid levels in the blood naturally and effectively. Drink water between 2 to 3 liters per day. Water helps the kidneys to process and remove uric acid from the body. Consuming a solution of baking soda to help dissolve uric acid crystals, and increases the solubility of uric acid. Add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to 230ml of water. Mix thoroughly, and drink up to eight glasses a day. Once before bed, once when you wake up in the morning, and every 2 to 4 hours between meals. Repeat until symptoms disappear. [Note: Because baking soda contains high sodium, switch to a salt-free diet for a drink of this solution. And, if you suffer from high blood pressure, it is better not to drink this solution at all.] Changes in low-purine diet. Because uric acid comes from the breakdown of purines and purines also exist in our food, gout patients should run low-purine diet. The type of food that should be avoided because they contain high purine, among others: lean red meat, offal, poultry and seafood (squid, shrimp, crab, fish not included). And, it is very important to avoid alcohol, Beer, in particular, can become triggers for high uric acid. The types of foods that are allowed include: essential fatty acids (such as tuna, salmon, etc.), low fat dairy products, complex carbohydrates (such as bread, cereals, pasta, rice, vegetables, fruits, etc.), Fruits such as cherries , strawberries, blueberries, grapes, etc. Three natural way is the most effective way to reduce uric acid levels. If you are experiencing gout or high uric acid please try How to lose Uric Acid in Natural and Effective, and then watch what happens.

4 Healthy 5 Perfect Food: Examples and Benefits

September 17, 2016 13 Comments
4 Healthy 5 Perfect Food And Benefits -Since childhood we were taught in school term 4 healthy 5 perfect food that describe the nutritional content of human ideal. 4 healthy food consists of rice, side dishes, vegetables and fruits are the perfect 5 milk. Rice is a source of carbohydrates, side dishes as protein, vegetables and buaha minaral fruits as a vitamin.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           4 healthy 5 perfect food                                                                                                                                                                                                                   1.MAKANAN COST (HEALTH) Any category of staple foods that are part of the 4 healthy 5 perfect? The following is an example:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
  • Rice
  • Corn
  • Sago
  • Cassava, potato, or tubers
  • Wheat
Do we know what substances contained in foods? and what kind of order intake is ideal for the nutrition our bodies? Well, here are the benefits of 4 healthy 5 perfect food and substances contained therein:
Staple Food Nutritional content: CARBS
Rice is a source of carbohydrates for human body, rice containing sugar that serves  the energy source for the body . Should not eat rice every meal, or you can change the type of white rice with brown rice. Here are the benefits of brown rice if consumed every day:
  • Brown rice contains high fiber and contain simple carbohydrates so as to increase energy, early satiety due to the intake of no more than 330 calories / day. Red rice has a lower index dibadinding glikenik white rice. Glikenik index indicates how much sugar produced by blood. The higher consumption of red rice, the glycemic index memperoduksi blood sugar and increase insulin production.
  • Brown rice also contains anti dioksidan vitamin B6 which maintain balance hormones serotonin and produce the cells' DNA, the rest red rice can mengahalau bad cholesterol.
Besides rice, other carbohydrate sources such as potatoes, wheat and tubers.                                                                                                                                                                                                      

2. Lauk Pauk (healthy)

Food category 4 healthy 5 perfect next side dishes, side dishes examples:
  • Meat: Chicken, beef, mutton, fish, and ducks
  • Egg
  • Tofu and tempe
Indonesia more people enjoy the source of animal protein from chicken and fish, for example nuts of tempe and tofu. Everyday food is mostly presented in the form of fried foods, because the consumption of cooking oil in Indonesia is greater than the other countries that are more fond of stew such as Japan and Myanmar.  Proteins serve to establish the immune system and balancing the hormones .
  • Fish; Fish contains protein because it contains vegetable protein and some types of fish such as salmon and tuna contain omega 3 is good for brain development.
  • chicken; Chicken contains animal protein and fat, but not recommended eating chicken every day. Part of the chicken's body that contain a lot of fat in the liver and intestine.
  • know; know is a favorite food of Indonesia, in addition to low prices, a way of processing food is also pretty easy. Everyday people Indonesian tempe process by frying or pan-fried, also commonly mixed in vegetables.
  • Eggs: Eggs contain a high source of protein and especially the yolk. But it is not advisable to eat eggs up to two eggs a day. Among the types of eggs consumed, eggs that contain a lot of fat are duck eggs and quail eggs. The protein in the egg has the potential to strengthen the muscle tissue because it contains magnesium body and regulate body pH acidity.
  • Tempe; tempeh contains amino acids and eat better than eating dishes containing animal protein.
Sources of protein are common in fish meat, chicken, seafood except cuttlefish. For many plant proteins found in vegetables, broccoli and wheat. (Read:  Foods containing protein )

3. Vegetables (healthy)     Vegetables are healthy food that is quite important that we pay attention to prevent various diseases. example:                                                                                                                                                                                                               

  • Kale, mustard greens, radishes, beans, tomatoes, spinach, broccoli
  • Cabbage, sweet potato leaves, carrots, etc.
The nutrient content of vegetables: MINERAL & FIBER
Vegetables are good for the body are green vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, kale, and mustard greens, green vegetables contain a lot of leaf green or chlorophyll substance that serves as antidioksidan and affects the immune system. Green vegetables contain many Sulfarophane, isothiocynate. The second function of this substance is a component stimulating cancer-causing chemical element solver.
  • Mustard: mustard greens contain substances because it can nourish the bones, preventing cancer, both for diabetes, skin and hair menehatkan helps sleep and mood. Vegetables are cabbage has more vitamin K-containing folate, thiamin, niacin phosphorus and potassium.
  • Carrot; carrots is very beneficial for the body, especially the eyes, because they contain natural sugar content. Yellow and orany on fruit contains zeaxathin, beta carotene and vitamin c. Potassium in handy yellow colored vegetables lowers high blood pressure and smooth the body's metabolism. Fiber in carrots serves to increase insulin levels in the blood.
  • Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower; has a high content of indoles, this content has anti-cancer protection such as colon cancer and breast cancer. Vegetables, broccoli and cauliflower also has flavonoids which works to increase immunity.
  • good source of fiber; mengkosumsi vegetables every day can help digestion and the launch of sewerage in the body. Fiber in vegetables serves to absorb the extra water in the intestine, thus preventing hemorrhoids and constipation.
  • Anti cancer: vegetables contain indoles which is an anti-cancer protective substance. Antidioksidan vegetables are good sources for the body that serves to reduce the risk of cancer.
  • Proteins and amino acids: Amino acids found in many vegetables such as spinach, and beans. Amino acids serve to replace the missing protein source.
Read also:  Foods rich in fiber

4. Fruits (healthy)

The next healthy food sources are fruits, also very important to maintain a healthy body. Example :
  • Orange, apple, mangosteen, soursop, grapes, litchi, and avocado.
Fruits serve for as antidioksidan because of the skin color pigment chlorophyll-containing fruits such as kiwi and guava. The darker the color the greater the protection antidioksidannya on the body.
  • Benefits of green color : green fruits contain vitamin C, beta carotene, folate and calcium. The function of the vitamins contained in the green fruit are lowering cholesterol, supports eye health, normalize digestion time and fight free radicals.
  • Fruit yellow color : beta carotene, potassium and vitamin c. Potassium in the fruit serves to lower high blood pressure and smooth the body's metabolism. Yellow fruit is also effective against cancer.
  • Fruit purple color : purple fruit contains magnesium to aid digestion and memurunkan cholesterol levels. Purple fruit boost the immune system, and prevent inflammation.
  • Fruit red color : red color in fruits contain ellagic acid and hesperidin which serves to prevent cancer and inhibit free radicals.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

    5. Milk (Perfect)

    Milk comes from animal protein sources, its function is very good for bone growth and increase energy. In addition to milk from animal protein, there is also the milk of vegetable protein soy milk. If you are overweight, can consume low-fat milk.
    • almond milk; This milk is suitable for someone who is allergic to lactose, lactose can lead to excess production of gas and diarrhea.
    • Soy milk: soy milk contains low saturated fat content. Soy milk can help with dieting and suitable as a substitute for cow's milk dairy.
    • goat milk: goat's milk contains 170 calories, 10 grams of fat and 27 mg cholesterol. Goat milk has anti-allergic good for the body.
    • Cow's milk; cow's milk has very many calories that is 80-150 calories. Cow's milk is good for women to increase energy during PMS can also reduce the stress at the end of the day.
    Benefits 4 healthy 5 perfect food is very good for your health and body. Nowadays you need to do is combining a type of food in the womb terdpata 4 healthy 5 perfect for daily nutritional intake. 4 healthy 5 perfect destination for us to recognize the types of food that comes with protein, minerals, and carbohydrates your body needs. But it's wrong to think that the food is healthy 5 perfect 4 is consumed at a time when eating. Well, are you ready with your new menu?             




September 17, 2016 Add Comment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Relations AntaraMakanan And HealthThe human body could grow because of the substances that come from food. Therefore, to be able to carry out his life, absolute human need food. Substances that are needed by the body and derived from foods that are called substances needed by the body and is derived from food is called food substances or nutrients ...

6 kinds of food nutrients, among others:                                                                                                                                                                                                              1.Karbohidrat   
 2. Fat and Salt 5.Vitamin 3.Protein 4.mineral 6.Air                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             body gain nutrients in the form of food, both derived from plants or from animals. Body's need for nutrients can not be satisfied with just one or two kinds of groceries, because there is generally no one foodstuff that contains nutrients is complete. Each ingredient foods contain nutrients that different, both in number and kinds. 
therefore to meet the body's need for nutrients, we should eat a variety of foods every day. In this case, the variety of food plays an important role. Increasingly diverse foods are eaten, the more healthy will our bodies. In addition to 6 kinds of nutrients that humans need oxygen too (acid). This substance was obtained at the time of breathing, healthy people have a well-functioning body, and the body tissues stored up enough nutrients weeks to maintain health. Reserves will be used if the nutrients the body needs daily nutrients are not met. Conversely, when the consumption of excessive nutrients the excess shall be deposited in the body tissues within certain limits. When body tissues are saturated with nutrients, then the excess nutrients can no longer at capacity and will menggangnggu processes in the body. Thus it is clear that the lack or excess of nutrients will be able to cause abnormalities. Such a situation is called malnutrition, either malnutrition or excess nutrients, while good nutrition is situated between them.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    KNOWLEDGE OF HEALTHY FOOD has been in kemukakakan kekurangnan or excess nutrients can end negatifterhadapkesehatan body. The perfect state would be obtained if mendapatsemua body the nutrients in adequate amounts and in accordance with the needs perbandinganyangseimbang. healthy foods often say eating a well-balanced. This means that in menuatausususan everyday dish contains all the nutrients needed by tubuhdalamjumlah that meet the needs and individual nutrients in comparison sesuaiatauseimbang one another. Besides the things that are nutritious too must bebasdarikuman-germs or substances that can cause illness. So, selainmutugizifaktorkebersihan also be noticed yah guys ...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
according to its nutrients can be classified into three, namely: 1. tenagkarbohidrat substances, fat and protein 2. builder substances: protein and minerals
3. regulating substances: vitamins, minerals, protein and water                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

How to Remove Dark Circles on Eyes Quickly and Naturally Due to Lack of Sleep

September 16, 2016 Add Comment
How to Remove Dark Circles on Eyes Quickly and Naturally Due to Lack of Sleep  . You again experienced disturbances under the eyes? Yes. I also thank God after each tap tau tipsnya it is no longer the most powerful is to reduce begadang and lifestyle.

Principal causes of Dark Circles on Eyes                                     

Dark Circles on Eyes happens when we stayed up late or too tired and dark circles coloring our eyes. Usually dark circles around the eyes is very disturbing appearance and also difficult to remove.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   How to Remove Dark Circles on Eyes                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Yes. dark circles under the eyes is very disturbing appearance because it makes you seem older, fatigue and lack of rest. Though there are some things that is also a reason such as lack of nutrients, hyperpigmentation, sun exposure and excess drugs.
 Here are the causes of dark circles under the eyes:

  1. Allergy
    rate sensitive skin of each person is different, especially in the area under eye bags are more sensitive than other parts of the skin. A person can have eye bags because he often scrubbing under the eyes.
  2. Heredity
    If your parents have dark circles eyes, it is likely that your cause is difficult to eliminate. Causes dark circles heredity eye because it is difficult to lose.
  3. Drug-obatanBeberapa types of drugs can cause dilation of blood vessels, including vessels on the eye bags. This is what makes part under the eyes darkened than usual. LelahYup, this is the most common factor that causes the ring under the eye. Fatigue will make vessels under the eye area is more active so that the resulting black hue. One way to overcome this is to sleep and adequate rest.
  4. Anemia
    Never underestimate iron deficiency, women more often suffer from anemia than men. Moreover, during menstruation, women often have less trouble iron. So try to eat foods containing iron, especially when you are menstruating.
  5. Age
    The older a person, the less collagen is produced. As a result, the skin looks thinner, the veins under the eye more visible and create the illusion of a dark shadow.

Tips to get rid of Dark Circles in Eyes with                        

Prior to How to Remove Dark Circles on Eyes in the discussion of our subject this time I love tips that must be applied.                                                                                                               1. Changing lifestyles  
2. Mmenyamarkan black circle is put on concealer before you touch up makeup.
3. Drink lots of water
4. Ensure enough sleep every night.
5. Use sunglasses when exposed to direct sunlight. This method serves to protect the eyes from the rays yangberbahaya.
6. If the circumference of the new eye out when you are very tired, then that is to rest enough.
7. If you are anemic and showing signs of dark circles, began to consume chicken liver, spinach or low-fat milk.
8. Hidari Drinks Containing Caffeine
Caffeine it can cause impaired absorption of water into our bodies so that it will cause dehydration. Because of the dehydration it causes toxins in the body is not wasted entirely alias, perfectly and also affects the color of the skin. And dark circles around the eyes is one of them.
9. Hidari Drinks Containing Soda
It's no secret that soft drinks contain artificial sweeteners. These artificial sweeteners can cause parts around the eyes blackened or swollen.
10. Drink 8 Glasses of Water a Day
As explained earlier that dehydration can cause dark circles around the eyes, so simply by drinking 8 glasses of water a day then you can avoid dehydration

How to Remove Dark Circles Eyes Quickly And Naturally

Here's how menghilngkan dark circles in the eye of bias you apply at home. -under for ways in ibisa you apply one-on-one at home. samua which do not have enough to overcome the bias that you believe your eye bags 1. White Eye Pencil Use for the corners of the eyes in order to immediately brighten dark areas that women always miss. According to the make-up artist based in London Liz Pugh. Focus around the tear ducts and sunken nose, apply with your pinky on Blash meghaluskan effect that part. 2. Eye Cream Dark circles can appear when the skin is thin stream of blood vessels underneath. Look for a cream with peptides to build collagen and caffeine to mngerutkan blood vessels. 3. Concealer or busting Select the yellow-toned cover-up of one or two shades lighter than your skin. Apply with small brush only for the dark areas - if you also explain the surrounding skin, dark circles look darker by proportion. 4. Wear Eye Cream You can eliminate it by using the eye cream but try the cream is a cream specifically for the area around the eyes and contains vitamins C and E. Do not use the cream for the face of the other. 5. Sliced ​​Cucumber By putting slices of cucumber on the eyelids, it can eliminate eye puffiness and dark circles in the eye due to the effects of cold and fresh - his. 6. Potato mask! Take a potato that has been cooled and cut potatoes suitable form of dark circles under your eyes. Then tempelkanlah for 20 minutes. Catecholase potatoes have enzymes that can help you disguise dark circles in the eye. 7. Drinking supplements may be caused because you are suffering from anemia. Then you can take supplements that contain iron, vitamin B12, and B6. 8. Wear Tea Bags tau tea bag, right? When it wears out, please dip them in cold water and then compress to your eyes. 9. Wear Mint Leaves Download mint leaves and puree, then tempelkanlah to your eyes (but not while awake!) 10. Ice Cubes Boxers are also often used to compress. Take some ice cubes and compress to the eye. This makes the eyes dust = ih Relax and cool, but it was not very effective sich. 11. Wear Bengkoang! Grate bengkoang then compress to the eye. Bengkoang believed to eliminate dark circles in the eye naturally effectively because it contains vitamin B1 and vitamin C 12. Eliminate Allergy Try antihistamines and decongestants to relieve allergies resulting in dark circles within a month. The simple solution: sleep with two pillows to keep the blood from pooling under the eyes.

So How To Eliminate Dark Circles on Eyes powerful  . hopefully it can help you. Do not forget to look forward to our next update.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            RELATED POST     10 Ways to Remove Wrinkles under the eyes in Natural and Fast                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 10 Ways to Remove Wrinkles under the eyes in Natural and Fast            

Quickly and Naturally Due to Lack of Sleep

September 16, 2016 9 Comments
10 How to remove wrinkles under the eyes . Seiringnya gets older skin will loosen not least the skin under the eyes, causing kriput and shrivel. Shrivel not a disease but it is a sign of aging in a person who has begun for us elderly should get closer to the creator and make a good impression in every human being.

Wrinkles under the eyes of a problem for women because it will reduce the appearance of our beautiful face. therefore we will provide traditional medicine to  eliminate wrinkles under the eyes                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           how to remove wrinkles under the eyes                                                                                                                                                                                                              

10 Ways to Remove Wrinkles under eyes

1. Eliminate Wrinkles under eyes with Tomato

how to remove wrinkles under the eyes

One of the fruits that can give your skin extra protection bag. In the antioxidant content of tomatoes are very tinggi.Cukup sliced ​​tomatoes in a circle and then apply honey and apply on the skin directly under eye wrinkles wait a while sampau nutrients seep strong tomato and honey in the skin of your face

2.Menghilangkan Wrinkles under eyes with  Honey

Wash your face thoroughly later olehkan honey under the eyes for 20-30 minutes then rinse with warm water is recommended all faces. Then refresh by rubbing ice cubes to face afterwards.

3.Menghilangkan Wrinkles under eyes with Tea Consumption

with Mengkonsusi tea, it can nourish keep skin clean and glowing, delaying and reducing the appearance of wrinkles on the facial skin also under the eyes, it can even prevent various skin diseases. but advised not to drink tea with condensed.

4. Eliminate Wrinkles under eyes denganMinyak Olives and Lemon

Olive oil and lemon can reduce wrinkles on the skin, the scent you olehkan under eye wrinkles.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

5. Eliminate Wrinkles under eyes with Cucumber

Paste cucumber slices on a clean face, it can refresh the skin, soften skin and remove wrinkles under the eyes and on the face.

6. Eliminate Wrinkles under eyes with Banana

1-2 puree bananas until lumay and soft as cream, apply throughout the surface of the face leave for more than 30 minutes then wash off with warm water, pat your skin do anything of the wiped until dry.

7. Eliminate Wrinkles under eyes with Pineapple

Apply pineapple pulp krutan the face, wait 20 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with warm or cold water.

8. Eliminate Skin Wrinkles under eyes with Watermelon

how to remove wrinkles under the eyes
 How to Eliminate Wrinkles under the eyes and the skin  next to the skin of the watermelon rub on skin wrinkles, then washed with clean water, this could smooth the skin.

9.Menghilangkan Wrinkles under eyes with Coconut Oil

Virgin coconut oil is able to lift krutan cause dry skin under the eyes. Apply warm coconut oil over the entire face, use this material at any time you wish.

10. How to Eliminate Wrinkles under eyes with Milk Powder

It restores the moisture the skin if it becomes damp it will be chewy and far from krutan steps: Please mix 4 tablespoons of powdered milk,
2 tablespoons honey, 2 tablespoons of warm water Mix well samapai a paste, apply on face evenly avoiding around the eyes is quite the skin of the eye just shut the face with a small towel soaked in warm water to let stand 10 minutes. then wipe.

                                                                                                                                                                     In addition to eliminating wrinkles with the materials above, you also have to prevent the onset of new wrinkles that will arise again.

  1. To prevent wrinkles, avoid direct sunlight. If it must be exposed to the sun, use sunscreen, hats and sunglasses.
  2. Do not smoke because it can cause dry skin.
  3. Avoid dehydration
  4. Always keep your skin moisture can with a smear of oil and plenty of fluids.
Such articles  Tips How To Eliminate Wrinkles under eyes  hopefully this article can help your problem                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                RELATED POST How to Remove Dark Circles on Eyes Quickly and Naturally Due to Lack of Sleep                                                                                                                                           How to Remove Dark Circles on Eyes Quickly and Naturally Due to Lack of Sleep                                                                                                                                                          Health care tips    

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