7 Foods for skin health and beauty . Having a beautiful and healthy skin is a dream for every woman, therefore, various methods are done to get beautiful skin, white and clean. The natural way to beautify the skin is to eat foods that are good for skin beauty.
Because in foods contain thousands fitokemikal, fiber, and vitamins that work together for the health and beauty of the skin. For that we need to consume foods that can beautify the skin.

Food For Beauty And Skin Health
Virtually all types of foods have benefits that are good for skin health and beauty, but there are several types of special foods that are beneficial to beautify and maintain a healthy body. Want to know what foods are consumed for skin beauty? Let us see in the following article.
7 Healthy Foods For Beauty and Skin Health
7 Makanan untuk kecantikan dan kesehatan kulit. Memiliki kulit cantik dan sehat merupakan impian bagi setiap wanita, oleh karena itu berbagai cara pun dilakukan untuk mendapatkan kulit cantik, putih dan bersih. Cara alami untuk mempercantik kulit adalah dengan mengkonsumsi makanan yang baik bagi kecantikan kulit.
Karena didalam makanan mengandung ribuan fitokemikal, serat, dan vitamin yang bekerja sama untuk kesehatan dan kecantikan kulit. Untuk itu kita perlu mengkonsumsi makanan yang dapat mempercantik kulit.

Vegetables and fruit
Food For Beauty And Skin Health
Virtually all types of foods have benefits that are good for skin health and beauty, but there are several types of special foods that are beneficial to beautify and maintain a healthy body. Want to know what foods are consumed for skin beauty? Let's see in the article beriku
Green And Red Vegetable Consumption For Healthy Skin
The vegetables have incredible benefits for the body, for it should perbanyaklah eating vegetables, especially vegetables that are red and green to get a beautiful skin. Because vegetables are in beta-carotene which acts as an anti-oxidant for the skin, which can produce new skin cells and make the skin color becomes younger and brighter. Such as spinach, carrots, broccoli and others.
Red Meat Very Good For Skin
Red meat contains lots of zinc and protein which is good for the face. Because in red meat are high in protein which is good for both mengkonsentrat above amino acids to produce collagen and natural anti-inflammatory.
Stay Healthy Skin With Fish Consumption
Fish is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids are believed to keep skin bright. Besides diligently consume fish such as sardines, tuna and salmon may protect the skin from sun exposure and pollution, because the protein contained in fish help of reproductive cells and make the skin become more radiant.
Green Beans Also Very Beneficial To Skin
The green beans are foods that are good for skin health and beauty, because by consuming green beans 10 mg per day can make hair and nails become stronger and healthier.
Increase consumption of Eating Made of Wheat
In the wheat contained biotin that serves to make the cells in the body process fat. By diligently taking wheat will avoid the causes of dry skin and dull.
Yoghurt Beneficial To Skin
Yogurt is very good for skin health and useful to fight skin problems such as acne, eczema and can also eliminate dandruff. Should choose a yogurt that contains low fat and low sugar to avoid bad inflammation. Besides yogurt is also a natural anti-biotic that can help produce bik bacteria in the body and maintain digestive health.
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