Causes of Acne On Face

Agustus 22, 2016
Cause of acne on the face -  very important to be known as a form of our anticipation in the prevention of acne. Acne or in medical language which is called acne vulgaris and is a classic problem skin of the face (forehead, nose and cheeks) although it can sometimes be found in the neck and shoulders chest or back. Acne has become a common problem for teenagers and even parents who felt very disturbing and lower confidence. For most teenagers cause acne appears to be one of the big questions that should know the answer. With out the causes of acne we can anticipate and take precautions so that it can avoid or at least may handle properly. What are some of the causes of acne? Here we review some of the reasons that lead to acne on your face. Before you look for ways to remove acne , we must first understand  what is acne with its types and various causes that trigger it. So in addition to cure, we can also know how to prevent it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

  Cause of acne facial image                                                                                                                                                                                             

Causes of Acne Emergence

1. Excess Oil Production

Acne does not always arise because we do not keep the face, but can also be influenced by internal factors or from within the body. Acne occurs due to abnormal skin conditions caused disruption of the excess production of oil glands (sebaceous Gland) thus causing the blockage of the follicle channel pores in the skin and hair. Cause of acne is the most common is a pile of oil, hormones, or it could be a soap that collaborate with bacteria on the skin.

2. bacteria

Bacteria is one of the most serious causes of acne. Bacteria called p. acne usually exist on the skin and are likely to continue to proliferate in the sebaceos gland becomes blocked, causing irritation of the surrounding area. The glands can break when the swelling swell resulting in inflammation of the surrounding skin and likely to cause pain on the face. This is one reason the incidence of cystic acne is the type of acne that is enlarged and sore and when cured can result in holes such as smallpox scars.

3. Dead Skin Cells

In general, acne occurs because of the increasing production of androgen hormones that lead to the overproduction of oil glands. Finally acne began to emerge as the bacteria mixes with dead skin cells. The blockages are formed as dead skin cells are mixed well with soap until the mixture thickens, causing black or white spots on the face. Acne in general is attacking the face, but acne can also invade other body parts like the back, upper arms, chest and even the scalp.

Miscellaneous The Causes of Acne Misbehaving

1. Factors Hormone

The hormones cause the appearance of acne on the face especially in adolescence. Acne generally begin to appear at the age of 10 up to 15 years later will start to disappear when at the age of 25 years, but most people also there until the age of 40 to 50 years with a percentage of about 7%. Generally, women have an increased risk for acne 2-7 days before menstruation, patients taking certain types of drugs such as steroids, cortisone, estrogen, testosterone and feniton as well as in women who are pregnant.

2. Less Keeping Hair Hygiene

What does acne on the face with the hair? It turned out that the hair has an important role in causing acne therefore it is very important to maintain the cleanliness of the hair. A person who lacks maintain the cleanliness of such sparse hair shampoo, for example, when the scalp produces excess oil then the oil will flow to the face or can be flowing through your hair. So that when the oil is mixed with dust, dirt or bacteria that can eventually lead to blockage of the pores and acne munculah. That's why sometimes acne can be very stubborn and difficult to remove even handling properly.

3. Consuming soft drinks

Drinking soft drinks also have adverse effects on the human body one can trigger acne. Carbonated drinks can create inflammation in the human body, as in the soda contained aspartame one of the substances that can cause and increase acne. Soda can also lower the pH can cause acne are pretty stubborn and difficult to overcome.

4. The existence of friction or pressure of the skin

Acne can also be triggered by pressure on the skin such as a helmet, collar, mobile phones, and various other objects without us knowing it can cause acne. Apart from the pressure on the skin bacteria or objects that stick was otherwise clean is the main trigger.

5. Allergies Food And Beverage Products n

The cause of acne  the other is from an allergy to certain foods and beverages such as for example, seafood, milk and so forth. Other foods that can also trigger acne are foods that have a high jumalha Vitaman A, Vitamin E is low and too much carbohydrate.

Various Causes Acne Common Occurrence

  1. Genetic or hereditary factors
  2. As a result of testosterone if the male-l
  3. Bacteria that infect through pores
  4. Scratching the face can cause irritation to the skin
  5. anabolic Steroids
  6. Age factor
  7. Blockage of the pores because dead skin cells
  8. Consuming alcoholic beverages and smoking
  9. Lack consume foods that contain Vitamin A and Vitamin B
  10. Hold and squeeze acne
  11. Too often exposed to direct sunlight
  12. Less keep the face with a face wash routine
  13. Dirty hair attached to the face
  14. Because too much of a burden the mind or stress
  15. As a result of overactive oil glands
  16. Due to the decline of hormones in women
  17. Because of bad blood
  18. As a result of the birth control pill
  19. A dirty air pollution
  20. Eating too much chocolate
  21. Allergies on chemical substances contained in cosmetics
  22. Consume less water
  23. Less skin hygiene

Well so several factors  cause the appearance of acne on the face , chest, back or other parts. Hopefully we know the causes that we can know how to properly remove acne and prevention afterwards.                                                                                                                                                                                              RELATED POST                                                                                                                                    
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