How Health Care Tips Body, Skin, Bones, so Always Healthy Eyes - Medicare Tips is a human obligation that we need knowledge and tricks to take care of personal body after today. Indeed, the small time we are still considered by parents but once we mature then all we proleh with the results of our own independent health is no exception. Although still banya young people who've grown to rely on maintaining the health of mothers and fathers terhada. While the parents had no problem, but do we really expect.
Health Care Tips

How Health Care Tips Body
1. Tips for Maintaining Health is the first body with positive minded tinking, In a healthy body there is a quiet mind and healthy too. So try to always think positive about all the problems that hit kita.Karena every problem solution.
2. Meet the needs vitamin D because vitamin D works to menstimulusi immune cells to ward off viruses and bacteria. Vitamin D can be found in sunlight, eggs, liver and fish.
3. Fill fluid requirements needed in the body. In this case the water healthy. Eight glasses of water per day is the amount that must be fulfilled to meet the needs of fluids in our body.
4. Every morning, try to always do regular exercise. It aims to maintain the condition of the body to keep fit and healthy.
5. Fill fibrous foods each day. Fibrous foods are apples, carrots and nuts. The function of these fibrous foods that keep the body from bacteria.
6. Always make sure that the food you eat already hygienic or has been washed with clean or thoroughly cooked perfect.
7. Eat a reasonable portion do not go overboard. In fear of your body will be obese and at risk of disease associated with being overweight or obese. Appropriate calorie content contained therein.
8. Smile Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Body easiest. This is because, with us smile then it can improve your immune system.
9. Get enough rest every day, is one factor to keep your body's endurance. In this case adequate and quality sleep.
10. tired after a long day of is one of the causes of your immune deficiencies. So the rest of your body is a very appropriate step to eliminate the fatigue.
Now that our fundamental duty to keep the body, then we see
How to Maintain Healthy Skin
In addition to carrying out 10 Ways Health Care Tips body or agency described above, an additional 2 tips for caring for the skin below: 1. Protect Skin From Sun Exposure

Sunshine morning (at 7:00 to 10:00 pm) is very good for the health of the body both inside and outside (skin). But if it is midday, the heat of the UV rays can burn the skin if you took too long to let the skin exposed to the sun without protection.
If you are forced to undergo an outdoor activity in which the skin is directly exposed to the sun, the first step you should do is to use a sunscreen with an SPF 45 to the skin before the move.
2. Do not Touch Especially Squeeze Acne
For skin of the face, we must be more sensitive to its protection because facial skin is the most sensitive to the bacteria that cause a variety of problems such as oily skin, dull, and the most terrible is acne. If your skin is already plastered with acne then you do not be discouraged yet because there is an easy way to overcome that is try not to touch the pimples by hand because a lot of bacteria and germs that stick in the palm of your hand, but it should not also you squeeze a pimple as it will leave a mark which is much more difficult to eliminate. How is my friend? make it easy to care for face and body skin. Yet boring? Yes. I also have not tired of writing to my friend. let's see tisp maintaining bone health
How to care for bone health 1. Tips on caring for bone health first is to avoid a variety of drinks which can result in reduced bone calcium content. One of the drinks in question are a fizzy drink or soda.
2. Consumption of Calcium and Vitamin D, Calcium is an important substance that is required to form bone strength. However, a study showed that taking calcium without vitamin D make no bones become stronger. Calcium needs vitamin D in order to absorb the digestive tract.
3. Some medical experts also advised to take supplements containing calcium for bone health. While other opinion says taking supplements harmful to heart health. Therefore, in order asupa thousand milligrams of calcium per day are met, you can get it through foods such as milk, almonds, kale or tahini sauce.
4. Consumption of Olive Oil, moreover healthy for the heart and helps maintain a healthy weight ideal, olive oil was also good for bone health. It has been proven through research at Madrid University, Spain. In a research project carried out for two years, the researchers found that people who consume olive oil regularly have higher levels of osteocalcin in the body, compared to those without. What's that osteocalcin?
5. Consuming onion and garlic is one of the tips that we can do to protect your bone health. This is because both herbs are often contained sulfur which is necessary for the health of your bones.
6. Drinking milk is one of the easy tips to protect your bone health. This is because the content of the milk that is needed by our bones like calcium, vitamin D, protein, phosphorus and potassium.
7. Regular exercise is one of the easy tips to protect your bone health. In this case walking or running in the morning is one of the activities that we can do to protect your bone health. This is because exercise can strengthen all your muscles and bones.
8. By leaving some bad habits that you might do that could undermine the health of your bones. In this case smoking and alcohol are bad habits that can lower your bone mass.
9. Sunlight is one source of vitamin D for your bones need. Basking in the sunshine in the morning for about 15 minutes can help activate provitamin D into vitamin D in your skin.
Actually there tambaha tips on maintaining bone kesehata but the main subject we have written so you do not get bored. Because there are 9 Eye Health Care Tips that so POKO discussion on the blog How to treat the eye disease is.
Eye Health Care Tips

2. Do While Snooze. Try not to read any text book or in a state while sleeping. It also can make eye health can be affected by impaired as myopia.
3. Avoid the habit rubbed his eyes do not often rubbed his eyes when the eyes feel itchy. When your hands dirty after holding an object can infect organs of the eye that can cause serious harm to the health of the eye.
4. Rest your eyes Do not force the eye to linger to read a book or in front of a computer screen. If you are too long, the eyes will be sore. Isitirahatkan eyes for a few minutes.
5. Do I checked Mata. Try not rubbed his eyes, when hands are dirty or depleted holding some object. Because dirty hands can infect the eye organ that would cause serious harm to the health of your eyes.
6. Blink Eye. Try to wink with intensity rather supplemented, when focusing too long to see something like the computer or laptop.
7. Eat foods containing vitamin A such as carrots Eating foods that contain vitamin A. This, is because carrots contain vitamin A and beta carotene which serves to maintain the health of your eyes.
8. Wear protective eye Try to wear eye protection in various activities such activity while driving, sports, and so on. Many glasses designed specifically for the sport to avoid eye injuries and avoid dust.
9. Check the eyes Consult your eye on a regular basis in order to avoid the disease that attacks the eyes at times.
Denagn berkhirnya care tips eye above then I close this article too. If my friend has other tips such as tips on maintaining healthy teeth and so please comment in the comments field. RELATED POST How to Remove Dark Circles on Eyes Quickly and Naturally Due to Lack of Sleep 10 Ways to Remove Wrinkles under the eyes in Natural and Fast

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