Benefits of Cantaloupe And Nutrisarinya Content - If you take a walk to look for iftar menu, there cantaloupe as one composition. Cantaloupe or called latin Cucumis melo L. is one of the plants that serve as the content of beverages. This plant belongs to the group Cantalupensis. In general, this fruit has an oval shape and has a bright orange skin and there are patches of greenery. Although it has a thin rind, but in part it contains fiber and seed. This fruit has some similarities with pumpkin, melon and watermelon. And still brothers away with cucumber.
In one bowl of cantaloupe, there is the content such as beta carotene (3.1 mg), vitamin C (68 mg), fiber (1.3 mg), carbohydrates (13 mg), potassium (494 mg) and sodium (14 mg). But there are other ingredients such as protein, iron, phosphorus, niacin, calcium, polyunsaturated fat. Meanwhile, according to the The Journal of Food Science, the 100 grams of cantaloupe, the content of which can be found such as:
In cantaloupe are high in beta carotene that can be used to counteract the free radicals that can protect the internal organs in the body and the skin like the heart and may lower the risk of cancer. Therefore, it is advisable to consume on a regular basis,
One of the benefits gained from consuming cantaloupe is you can lower high blood pressure. That is because in cantaloupe contained potassium content. The content of potassium may also be useful for controlling blood pressure in the body so the fruit is suitable for people who have high blood pressure. In addition, cantaloupe can also be used as a laxative agents and natural and can reduce the formation of plaque in the arteries.
Vitamin C in cantaloupe in addition to being a source of antioxidants, vitamins can also be used to prevent heart diseases and to petrify maintain lung health -paru and also for the health of blood vessels. The high content of vitamin C, can also help to lower the bad cholesterol in the body so that it can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and to maintain and strengthen the capillary walls so as to prevent blood clotting.
Cantaloupe for Other Health Benefits
Help for weight loss because a cantaloupe contains sugar and calories so well suited to help the diet and to maintain a healthy body.
Lower cancer risk because of the content of beta-carotene, vitamin C and folic acid so that it can also reduce the risk of uterine cancer.
Helps overcome insomnia due to the nature of the sedative in cantaloupe has the same properties on sleeping pills so it helps to sleep faster. Cantaloupe can also provide a calming effect on people who eat that will make people more quickly to sleep.
Helps overcome gastritis because cantaloupe easy to digest. Related to this, the benefits of other cantaloupe is to increase the appetite of patients with gastritis.
Helps to maintain healthy eyes because the content of vitamin A. Vitamin can be useful to prevent the effects of free radicals due to air pollution.
Helping to maintain the health of the fetus as a cantaloupe contains folic acid can help to preserve and produce new cells that are not only beneficial for the fetus but also for the health of pregnant women.
Facilitate digestion and prevent infections that occur in the bladder. That is because the presence of vitamin A and fiber.
Okay, that's the explanation of health benefits for the cantaloupe. But of course, the best way to consume cantaloupe with ice especially not sold on the roadside. Because not guaranteed hygiene. If you want to add ice cubes, use ice cubes that we made ourselves alone we can assure cleanliness. RELATED POST
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