Where the Good Eating Fruits Before or After Eating - Fresh fruit is a food that almost no ugliness for health. In fact you may have heard the saying goes, "An apple a day will keep the doctor away". It is true that eating fruit every day will make us healthy, but many do not understand that when it is appropriate to eat fruit. Keep in mind that eating fruit after a meal can cause problems pencernaan.Baca on to know more of this important information. It is advisable for us to eat fruit at least 20-30 minutes before eating. Why else ya? Fruits contain sugar, so it takes a lot of time to digest it. If we eat fruits immediately before or after a meal, it will take a long time to digest - so many vital nutrients from fruits to be wasted. It is therefore recommended that the fruits should be eaten a few minutes before the big meal, then the fruit will give you all kinds of nutrients in it. Unfortunately many people are accustomed to eating fruit shortly after a meal, or a fruit salad that was served after a meal and even added a lot of sugar.
5 Kinds of Fruit Beneficial To Brighten Face
Here's how to eat good fruit, as well as some explanations why fruit should be eaten before a big meal
1. Before / after meals
Fruits should be eaten twenty or thirty minutes before eating. If you want to eat fruit after a meal, then you have to wait after three hours (after the food is digested). Eating fruit before eating also helps to reduce weight, because it makes feel more full.
2. Eat fruit before breakfast
Because our bodies do not get any food for eight or seven hours of sleep, it is advisable to eat fruit every morning (before breakfast). This helps improve blood sugar levels in the body. Eating fruit is the way fine to start your day.
Eating healthy fruits every morning on an empty stomach or before breakfast, will help the body to absorb all the essential nutrients required are found in fruits. This is why it is advisable to eat fruits before eating. Familiarize way of eating fruit as this will be beneficial to your health in the long term.
3. Avoid eating fruit along with other foods
Avoid eating fruit as a side dish or in conjunction with food. Likewise, eating fruit as dessert will not give the best results for the body, such as the fruit is cut and mixed with a mixture of sugar-laden salad or ice cream
4. Fresh fruit is much better
Better avoid canned fruit, frozen fruit, or fruit that has been processed. Fruits like this are generally very high in sugar, preservatives, or other additional chemicals that can harm the body - so it is not considered a healthy fruit.
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