Benefits And Nutrition Dates

September 11, 2016
Benefits And Nutrition Dates - Dates are the fruit that comes from the middle east and included into the palm tree. Palm tree has a height of about 15-25 m with fruit produced typically has a length of 3-7 cm and 2-3 cm in diameter with a single seed. The palm fruit is divided into 3 main groups of class software, semi-arid and dry. Fruit that was once expected from the Persian Gulf has a wide range of benefits to the vitamin and mineral content is high.
Dates contain many nutrients eg thiamin, niacin, folate, riboflavin so do not be surprised if this fruit has many benefits. The fruit is suitable to be consumed by pregnant and lactating women are similar because the content of the hormone oxytocin. The hormone can help to stimulate the contraction of smooth muscles in the jaw when nearing delivery. Dates can also help to reduce bleeding during labor. In the postpartum period, the juice of fruit dates can help to stabilize the condition of the mother and restore nutrition.
Dates are not only eaten straight to get the benefits but also by cooling to obtain nabeez water. The water is soaking water from dates or raisins during overnight (8-12 hours) using closed containers which have been filled in lukewarm water and drink the next day. This water can last up to 1-2 days if kept in the cupboard ice. The benefit is that it can help to get rid of harmful substances in the body, helping to restore the digestive system, as well as get rid of excess acid in the stomach.
Not only the fruit, but also has the benefit of palm seeds. The trick is to leave them until Kring then roasted and pounded until shaped like coffee beans and ready to be brewed. In 100 grams of date stones are of 5.2% protein, 9.32% fat, 13.6% fiber, yellow-green oil by 8%. Of refined palm seeds, can be used as a scrub by mixing them with olive oil and honey. For the problem of baldness, you can add a date seed powder with olive oil and applied to the head.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the benefits of palm fruit                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Nutrient Dates

Based on the research that has been done, the 100 grams of dates that were tested, contains many nutrients. For more details please see the table palm fruit nutrients below:
vitaminNumber / 100 gram
Energy251 kcal
protein2.81 g
Carbohydrate66.78 g
Fiber7.1 g
Sugar56.38 g
total fat0:35 g
Saturated fat0.0028 g
MUFA0.0032 g
PUFA0.017 g
cholesterol0 mg
Calcium35 mg
Iron0.91 mg
Magnesium38 mg
Phosphor55 mg
Potassium484 mg
Sodium2 mg
Zinc0:26 mg
vitamin A9 IU
Vitamin B1 (thiamine)0046 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)0059 mg
Vitamin B3 (niacin)1,134 mg
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)0525 mg
Vitamin B6 (piridoxin)0147 mg
Vitamin B9 (folate)17 mcg
vitamin B120 mcg
Vitamin C0.4 mg
vitamin E0:04 mg
vitamin K2.4 mcg
beta carotene5 mcg
beta kriptoxantin0 mcg
Lutein and zeaxantin67 mcg
lycopene0 mcg

Dates for Health Benefits

Once you know what are the nutrients contained in the dates, now let's continue with the discussion of dates engenai benefits for human health. Please read this important and well-tub.
1. Preventing Rheumatic
Who would have thought that the fruit that comes from the Middle East has the ability to prevent arthritis? This is because the palm fruit contains many minerals that are essential for health, especially the bones and muscles. 15 eat the palm fruit every day can meet the needs of the body's essential minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, sulfur and boron. Read the article also how to treat arthritis . 
2. The best fiber for bowel
Intestines are working continuously to be cleaned from the remnants of food in order to return optimal performance. And the remnants of food stuck to the intestinal wall does not cause disease. Fiber is one substance that serves to cleanse the bowel. Dates contain soluble fiber in the form of pectin that is more than other fruits. In addition, the fiber contained in immature fruit also function as prebiotics that support the growth of good bacteria that is needed by the digestive system.
3. Prevent brain cancer
Palm fruit mineral content is high enough and rich. Including magnesium, sulfur, potassium, calcium and boron which serves also for the prevention of brain cancer. By consuming 15 grains dates every day, you can meet up to 80% of magnesium and 70% sulfur requirement.
4. As an energy source
In addition to a good source of fiber, dates are also an effective energy source. By consuming 100 grams of fresh dates you can meet the daily energy requirements up to 12 percent to 15 percent. If you eat dried dates, antioxidants reduced. Dates are a source of instant energy, so it is well taken by people at the time of breaking the fast.
5. The source of antioxidants
As already mentioned above, dates are a very good source of antioxidants. Where own antioxidant functions to protect the body from free radicals that can cause cancer. Indirectly, consume palm fruit also helps you avoid the risk of various cancers. Phytochemical substances contained in dates include polyphenols, sterols, tannins, and carotene.
6. Treating dengue
A study shows that eating fruit dates can help increase the number of platelets in patients with dengue fever. The percentage increase platelet levels by administering palm juice is 23.90% per day, whereas the increase in platelet levels without palm juice consumption is 8.09% per day. The content of palm juice is thought to play a role in increasing the production of platelets is the number of carbohydrates such as mannose, galactose, arabinose and xylose as the building blocks platelet granules. Read the article also how to treat dengue .
7. Maintain a healthy heart
Dates are yahng fruit is rich in potassium content. As we know one of the functions of potassium is  to maintain a healthy heart  and blood vessels because it can stabilize the heartbeat, activating muscle contractions of the heart, and regulates blood pressure.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               8. Prevent the risk of stroke 
The risk of stroke can be reduced by up to 40% by consuming potassium 400 mg / 100 grams per day. The potassium requirement can be met by consuming at least 5 butih wet dates every day. If you want to get a larger number could consume fruit juice palm juice that is currently circulating in the market. However, make sure authenticity by buying in places that are reliable and accountable.
9. Digestion
It has been previously discussed above. Dates contain soluble fiber in fruit ripening and insoluble fiber in the fruit is not yet ripe. If the dissolution of the fibers serves to cleanse the digestive tract, the insoluble fiber is bertugan as supporting the development of good prebiotic indispensable to cleanse the digestive system jga impact on the smooth process of defecation (BAB).
10. Safe for hypertensive patients
No one asked whether the palm fruit is safe for people with high blood pressure or hypertension? Please note that dates are also low in sodium but high in potassium whose number increases as the level of maturity so suitable to be consumed by people with hypertension.
11. Prevents anemia
Anemia or lack of blood is often experienced by women especially who are in a period of pregnancy. Then if either of these dates if consumed by pregnant women? Certain. Even the palm fruit has the ability to prevent anemia . The content of iron and calcium in dates role in the formation of red blood cells. In addition askorbatnya acid content is also good for maintaining the availability of iron in the body so that the hemoglobin production process can take place properly. That's one of the benefits of dates for pregnant women 
12. Improve memory and brain work
The benefits of dates which in turn is to improve memory and also increases the performance of the brain. This is due to the high content of potassium in dates can expedite the distribution of oxygen to the brain and facilitate the body's water balance.
13. Prevent insomnia
Insonia or difficulty to sleep on time is often suffered by people who are busy in modern times. The impact, the balance of the body began to fail due to irregular metabolic system. The content of vitamin B3 in uah dates can help you reduce the symptoms of insomnia.
14. Safe for diabetics
Besides safe for consumption by people with high blood pressure, dates are also safe for consumption by the NII in diabetics. Dates contain simple carbohydrates are glucose and fructose. Glucose is a carbohydrate that is ready to absorb and requires insulin absorption. While fructose is a sugar found in fruits. To get into the cell, fructose does not require insulin, thus the palm-safe for people with diabetes mellitus (DM).
15. Free of saturated fat
Dates are the fruit with good fiber content and does not contain saturated fat, sodium kolesterold late. This was revealed by Fendy Susanto, STP, CPT, CFT, a nutritionist from Nutrifood Research Center. So do not be afraid to be fat for regular consumption of dates.  
16. Rich in Polyphenols
Disclosed by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) , dates have total polyphenols higher than usual fruit or vegetables that we consume. This is because the environment in which to grow palm is dry environments such as deserts so polyphenols more established as a form of protection of dates of stress. For the man himself, polyphenols have a role as an antioxidant that is good for health. Polyphenolic antioxidants may reduce the risk of heart disease and vascular and cancer. There is a study that concluded polyphenols can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. 
17. Assist the development of muscle
Who would have thought that one of the benefits of dates is to assist the development of muscle? This is because the fresh dates have greater protein content compared with other fruits. In the palm fruit also contains lysine which acts as a stimulant muscles to develop. Well, the content of lysine in these dates is much larger than other fruits such as oranges, for example. However, please note, that the protein content on a dry dates had decreased compared to the fresh version. So, if able to get the benefits of dates as an auxiliary muscle development, use fresh dates.
18. Preventing blood clots
The fruit is also rich in salicylic acid, which prevents blood clots and control blood tekaan. Blood clot very berbahya for health as it can lead to the risk of stroke and heart disease.
19. The benefits of dates for the skin
In addition to preventing blood clotting, salicylic acid on dates is also beneficial for skin beauty. In the world of beauty, salicylic acid is also used to cleanse the skin from various problems such as acne, blackheads and excess oil.
20. Benefits other dates
In addition to the contents which have been mentioned above, dates contain minerals such as fluoride place to protect the health and strength of teeth. The content of selenium in dates also helps maintain the immune system. In another statement that dates also have properties to cure rashes, colds, vaginal discharge, abdominal pain, headaches and migraines, help to improve fertility, to warm the body.

Know the Types of Dates

In selling dates, usually the seller will differentiate based on the variant and region of origin. In order not to be deceived when bought, then you should know the kinds of this fruit for every kind of price difference. However, today there are more than 1,500 varieties of dates. So we've picked out the most popular as a guide.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Dates for health benefits                                                                                                                                                                                                  
GarhiBasra, IraqThick flesh, full of flavor, dark brown when ripe, soft, very good quality
Dayri (Monastery Date)Dayri, IraqLong form, almost black color, fruit flesh is soft and somewhat dry
Deglet NoorAlgeria and TunisiaRather dry, not too sweet, widely used for cooking. The plants produce a lot of fruit, but not very resistant to water and damp.
Halawy / HalawiIraqVery sweet, soft fruit flesh, small-medium sized, fruit can be wrinkled during the ripening process if the tree is not watered properly, tolerant to moisture.
Hayany / HayaniEgyptThe color is dark red to almost black with soft fruit flesh. The tree most resistant cold weather.
Khadrawy / KhadrawiIraq and Saudi ArabiaTypes of dates is most preferred by the Arabs because the meat is tender and most excellent quality. Smallest size and the tree is quite tolerant of rain and humidity.
Khastawi / Khustawi / KustawyIraqSoft, small, and most preferably as a dessert.
MaktoomIraqLarge, red-brown, thick-skinned, tender, with a sweet taste that is being
MedjoolMoroccoLarge, tender and juicy
Saidy / SaidiLibyaSoft fleshy fruit, very sweet, to grow trees need a very hot climate
Sayer / SayirIraqOrange-brown, medium-sized, soft, bersirup
Thoory / ThuriAlgeriaThe fruit is dry, when dried red-brown with a somewhat wrinkled skin, and the flesh is sometimes hard and gritty, but it was sweet
Zahdi / ZahidiVarieties of the oldest in the Middle EastMedium-sized, brightly colored golden brown, very sugary, is widely used for culinary purposes
Okay, good articles about the benefits of palm fruit is beneficial to readers. Soon the fasting month, the demand for the fruit is certainly increasing. In Indonesia, it is very difficult to find a date that is still original without additional sweeteners. If anything, they're expensive and usually only available in supermarkets in big cities only. Dates are as likely be good for health, especially diabetics. Therefore, do not consume to excess. RELATED POST                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               benefits cashew 
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