Benefits of Guava Monkey / Cashew Nut For Health - Cashew Nut, Cashew, cashew nut does not actually included in the family tree syzygium ( Myrtaceae ). This tree was more closely related to tree mango (tribal Anacardiaceae ). Famous of these plants is not the fruit, but the seeds are called cashews. However, the plant is also not among the legume family ( Fabaceae ).
Cashew tree is medium-sized, with a maximum height can reach 12 meters. Not including the tree upright, branched more sideways but not dense because its leaves are quite rare. What has been known to the public as the fruit (the soft part with a lot of water content) is not really a fruit. Rather basic open flowers after fertilization. Then referred to as artificial fruit. Parts of the original fruit is part of the hard-shelled nuts. Where there are seeds called 'cashew nut'.
Cashew fruit is rarely used as commodities. Because it tastes so sweet and are often mixed with sour taste even astringent. But the original fruit, the 'cashew nut' This is a good export commodity. In addition it can be processed as a snack, have also been used as an important ingredient in the food industry. Usually used to decorate a cake or chocolate. Part young leaves used as either raw or steamed vegetables.
In medicine, almost all parts of the cashew crop is efficacious as a medicine. His ability as a drug has been used in more than 23 countries. Cashew even included in the priority list of WHO as a medicinal plant which is most widely used in the world. In a scientific journal stated that the cashew have efficacy in enhancing the ability of the brain and restore impaired brain function (memory loss, fatigue, s3ksual disorders, hallucinations, memory deterioration and so forth).
The leaves are used topically to treat diseases of the skin or burns. The juice of the fruit skin in the form of oil can also be used to treat warts a tau ulcers. The roots of the cashew is used to treat diarrhea , mouthwash to overcome thrush and eliminate acne .
Chemical Ingredients Guava Monkey
The ability of cashew as a drug can not be separated from the chemical constituents present in it. Every part of the plant must have different properties and contents.
- Bark . Contains tannins, astringent tannin, gallic acid and catechin gingkol.
- Daun . Tannin-containing errors, flavonol, anakardiol acid, elegat acids, phenolic compounds, kardol, and metal kardol.
- Fruit . Contains protein, fat, vitamins (A, B and C), calcium, phosphorus, iron, and sulfur.
- Pericarp . Contains tannic substances, anacardic acid, and the acid elegat.
- Seed . Containing 40-45% oil and 21% protein.
- Oil . Contain oleic acid, linoleic acid, and vitamin E.
- Sap . Containing furfural.
Artificial fruit on the nutrient content per 100 grams cashew
nutritional information | Nutritional value (g) |
calorie | 73 KKL |
protein | 4.6 grams |
Fat | 0.5 gram |
Carbohydrate | 16.3 grams |
Calcium | 33 milligrams |
Phosphor | 64 milligrams |
Iron | 8.9 milligrams |
Water | 78 grams |
vitamin A | 2689 SI |
Vitamin C | 65 grams |
Benefits of Guava Monkey's Health
Cashew fruit is a plant that is widely available in Indonesia. Because of its chemical content, this plant is often used as a medicine to support health. Benefits cashews or cashew for world health, among others, as described below:
1. Prevents anemia
In the artificial fruit, part of the meat and contains water, there are mineral deposits such as iron. As we know, this iron is an essential mineral that plays a role in the formation of red blood cells. Consuming 100 grams of cashew is sufficient to meet the daily requirement of iron in adult males.
2. Counteract free radicals
Buha foods such as fruits or fresh vegetables, has the ability to ward off free radicals that cause disease. This is due to the antioxidant content of fruits and vegetables is very large. Including cashew.
3. Maintaining eye health
The eye is five ndera very important that must be maintained health. And you should know that the eyes also need the right foods to stay healthy. One is vitamin A, which serves to maintain eye health . Cashew contains vitamin A at 2,689 SI in every 100 grams. Approximately 80% of the daily requirement of vitamin A grown man.
4. Treating asthma in Indonesia this beloved, a lot of herbs that can be used as an asthma medication traditional . One of them is the cashew. A study showed that people with asthma have a low content of vitamin C in the body. Well, cashew with high content of vitamin C can be used to resolve the issue. Cashew fruit consumption in patients with asthma can reduce breathlessness.
5. Control your blood pressure
High blood pressure are at risk increases the likelihood of having a stroke and heart disease. Cashew fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants can help reduce high blood pressure .
6. Reduce the risk of heart disease
Atherosclerosis is a state in which heart arteries thicken. These conditions increase the risk of heart attack because blood flow is not smooth. Consumption of fruits that contain vitamin C as high as cashew can help overcome atherosclerosis in the heart.
Benefits of Guava Monkey as Traditional Medicine
Besides consumed lagsung to get healthy benefits. Cashews can also be processed into a kind of herb that is used to treat various diseases. Here is an example of a cashew processing plant for herbal medicine.
1. Treating arthritis
Many traditional medicines arthritis that can be used and made his own. One of them with cashew guava leaf properties. Take a handful of cashew young guava leaves, washed and sliced llau rude. Boil 3 cups of water until the remaining 1 cup only. After a cold, filtered water and drink. Perform this treatment regularly 2 times a day each drinking half a glass every time.
2. Sprue
To treat thrush , wash out a handful of leaves of young cashew nut and cashew nut piece of bark. Boil 3 cups of water until the water boils and 2 cups. Drink the cooking water 2 times a day. If there is the rest can be used for rinsing.
3. Laryngitis
Inflammation of the throat can cause pain when swallowing food. consequently all the food that goes into not taste good. Appetite was reduced. Take 5 cashew nut artificial fruit and grated and squeezed the water. Add 4 tablespoons water and 2 tablespoons of honey and stir well. The herb drink 3 times a day each 2 tablespoons each time a drink.
4. Diabetes (diabetes mellitus)
Diabetes including dangerous disease that should be treated seriously. One of the traditional medicine believed to overcome is the bark of the cashew. Way, 15 grams of cashew skin is washed, cut into pieces as needed, then boiled in 3 cups of water until the remaining 1 cup. After a cold, filtered water and drink. Perform this treatment regularly 2 times a day, each 1/2 cup each time a drink.
5. Treating constipation
Constipation is the term in which the state of a person's bowel problems seamlessly. CHAPTER hard difficulties will affect the body's metabolic system as a whole. Feces or dirt in the stomach is not disposed will also be a new problem. To overcome this, wash 10 grams of cashew tree bark and then boiled with 2 cups water. After cold filtered water and taken 2 times a day. That's the benefit of cashew in traditional medicine.
6. Dysentery, diarrhea, diarrhea
Benefits of cashew leaf the other is as a cure stomach ailments such as diarrhea, dysentery or diarrhea. The trick, a handful of leaves boiled cashew and 1 piece of tree bark cashew with 1.5 liters of water to boiling, then filtered. Drinking water 2 times a day, morning and evening.
7. Skin diseases
Benefits of cashew the other is as a traditional medicine to cope with skin diseases such as eczema, ulcers or burns. Dignakan plant part is the leaves that are old. Young leaves are commonly used as vegetables. can be tried by way until finely ground, then borehkan on the skin of the sick.
8. Treating warts
Many ways to treat warts is done with traditional medicine. for example with kiciat tree sap, tree sap distance and frangipani trees. Well, one more that can be used to treat warts are skin oils cashew fruit.
Monkey Jambu other benefits
Benefits of the cashew is not limited to health and medicine alone. For any other field crops still has a lot of benefits.
As the adhesive agent
Cashew plant stems are not so valuable both economically and medically. But we can still take advantage of the cashew tree sap as adhesives to glue the books, etc. The sap is also efficacious as an anti-termite in plywood like frame.
As fodder
Cashew fruit is not so economically valuable. But we can still use it as animal feed. Nutrients contained in them will make us healthy cattle.
As processed foods
Cashew fruit can also be processed as meal ingredients such as jam, jelly and preserves or syrup.
Side Effects Guava Monkey
Benefits of the cashew is very big both medically and economically (especially peanuts metenya). But this plant also contains some toxins that are dangerous enough for concern, such as:
- This plant contains tannins, which can cause itching of the skin.
- Fruit skin can cause dermatitis.
- These plants also contain a light yellow oil which tastes sweet (oil acayu), composed of 4O-50% kardol (tannin toxic) and anakardia acid.
- The fruit oil cause skin burns or bulging. Most cases, blisters and itchy lips when breaking the shell of the cashew nut with teeth.
Yes, what can we do. Although the benefits of cashew is fairly a lot but its side effects are also not kidding. So to perform the treatment with cashew nuts, especially the gum and the oil should be completely done by the experts. But do not worry, for part of its quasi fruit, sweet-sour-tart is safe for consumption. Provided that no tinkering with section metenya beans. RELATED POST
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