Some Type of Food Causes Miscarriage In Pregnancy - Food causes of miscarriage rightly should be avoided by pregnant women, so that the fetus inside her womb remained in good health until birth. In general, pregnant women are required a lot of time choosing the food menu that will be consumed, where the goal for nutrition for pregnant women and fetuses in the womb can be met.
There are so many kinds of good healthy food consumption for pregnant women. However, there are also some foods that could actually lead to miscarriage if the mother eats during pregnancy. Perhaps the types of foods are considered safe if consumed by people who are not pregnant, even some of them also contain many vitamins and nutrients needed by the body. Fruits were not always healthy for pregnant women. Increase consumption of palm, avocado, mangosteen or dragon fruit because the fruit is good for pregnant women . Avoid pineapple, papaya and durian, in addition to not be consumed during pregnancy, also can trigger a miscarriage.
Therefore, it is important for pregnant women to determine the cause of miscarriage various foods that should be avoided in order to be free from such risks. And in this article we will discuss more about the eight types of food are considered dangerous, so it can cause miscarriage. What foods should not be consumed by pregnant women? Following reviews more.
Type Cause Miscarriage Food to Avoid
In general miscarriages occur in younger gestational age or still in the early weeks of pregnancy. During the first 12 weeks of pregnancy (first trimester) is the most susceptible to miscarriage in pregnant women. There are so many causes of miscarriage may occur and often experienced by pregnant women. Several factors or the cause of the miscarriage could occur from outside the body or from the body of the mother.
Survey shows that fetal miscarriage events can occur in one in five pregnancies. Even among 1 100 pairs, there could be a mother who miscarried three times in a row. Well, among the many causes of miscarriage, one of which is the food factor. And here are eight types of food cause miscarriage should be avoided by pregnant women.
- Pineapple
Pineapple include foods that can trigger a miscarriage. For those of you who are pregnant young, it is recommended that you do not too often or not eating too much pineapple and various types of processed products. In the pineapple contains an enzyme called protease Bromealin that when viewed chemically, the compound similar to papain contained in papaya. Therefore, it is also possible pineapple will give the same effect as papaya, which can cause miscarriage in pregnant women younger. (read: a fruit for young pregnant women )
- Crab
Processed crab may indeed be one type of seafood that tastes very delicious and many favored by the public. Crabs are also known to have a relatively high nutrient content and more beneficial to health. In the crab contained amount of calcium can help strengthen bones and teeth. But behind all the content and benefits of the crab, it turns out pregnant women should avoid because it turns crab crab could also be one of the foods cause miscarriage if taken during the first three months of gestation. The crab could result in shrinking the size of the uterus. In addition crabs can also lead to miscarriages kandugan genital bleeding.
- Pomegranate
The food is the cause of miscarriage is kind of a pomegranate. However, that does not mean you will immediately miscarriage when first drinking pomegranate juice or eating. Pomegranates can cause miscarriage when consumed in excess. Known when a pregnant woman eating pomegranates in excessive quantities, then the mother will feel contractions in the womb and certainly has the potential to have a miscarriage. And you should know that it is actually Biju pomegranate is the most dangerous for pregnant women. RELATED POST Here Recommendations Fruit Good For Pregnant Women Food For Pregnant Women To First Trimester Fetal Health
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