This is the recommendation Fruit Good For Pregnant Women -Choose a great fruit for pregnant women and appropriately is very important due to the intake of nutritious foods have much impact on the pregnancy. Pregnancy is a gift that is anticipated by many families. So you surely want to give the best to the fetus in the womb you. And it is no wonder that parents, friends and family a lot to give them advice on what foods you should consume during pregnancy.
Everyone is required and needs to get good nutrition. Especially pregnant women should provide nutrients for two bodies, namely the mother's body and the body of the fetus. Many of the suggestions which states that fruit is one type of food that is very helpful because the content of nutrients, vitamins and minerals are high. But if the great fruit for pregnant women? Listen answer in this article.
List Fruit is Good For Pregnant Women Need to Know
Almost all fruits are good food for pregnant women. Even the myth that papaya, pineapple or durian is a fruit that is bad for pregnant women are simply myths. The study mentioned that the variety of fruit when eaten in the right quantities would be beneficial for pregnant women. In this article we summarize the types of fruit are good for pregnant women who have tremendous benefits for the health of mothers and children. Here's a list of great fruit for pregnant women:
- Banana
The banana is one of the great fruit for pregnant women the most good for the health. This statement is weighed for the banana turns the nutrients and vitamins they contain are complete enough to meet the nutritional needs of your pregnancy. Bananas contain folic acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Potassium and Magnesium. Folic acid is a substance that must be consumed by pregnant women given its crucial role in the development of the fetal nervous. Vitamin B6 helps the mother mnegurangi sensation of nausea and vomiting. Potassium and Magnesium will help the mother's body to regulate body fluids and protects mothers from pregnancy complications that may occur. Eat one banana every day during your pregnancy.
- Avocado
Folic acid is contained in avocado make this fruit as the fruit is good for pregnant women. Folic acid helps the neurological development of the fetus and enhance growth of nerve and spinal structure of your fetus during trimester I. In addition, folic acid can also reduce the risk of epresi, anemia, insomnia, and disease preeclampsia . Avocados also contain Vtamin C, E, K, B1, B2 and B6 are all required by the body of the mother and child to perform its functions. The added value of the avocado are also in good fats it contains.
- Watermelon
Fruits that contain lots of water is proved to have Vitamin A, C, B6 and magnesium and potassium that much. Minerals magnesium and potassium will greatly help mothers maintain immune function during pregnancy. When consumed in the third trimester, watermelon can reduce discomfort in the stomach, swelling in the feet and hands and keep your muscles do not cramp. In essence, watermelon is a fruit that is good for pregnant women.
- strawberries
Fruit ketch, red and sweet and sour can be an excellent snack for pregnant women. Such as avocados and bananas, strawberries contain enough folic acid. Unisex Vitamin C and antioxidants that are good for the mother's body immunity and helps in repairing damaged body cells. Mineral contained in strawberries can help fetal bone growth thus making you more powerful. Not surprisingly, strawberries are a great fruit for pregnant women.
- Mango
Blessed if pregnant women crave mango. Sour and sweet fruit is the fruit that is good for pregnant women because kandungn Vitamin A, C, E, antioxidants and fiber that is high enough. Vitamin C helps the body's immune system or defense of the mother so that helped it avoid infectious diseases. Vitamin C and fiber contained in fruits mango can help the digestive process and thus avoid pregnant women pregnant women on the condition of constipation or difficult bowel movements. Consumption of fruit is good for pregnant women and enter into a snack daily.
- Guava
Guava juice was not only good for people with dengue, but also very good for the health of pregnant women. The taste is sweet and sour and refreshing will help the mother eliminate the sensation of nausea and vomiting. In addition, many pregnant women who crave guava fruit during pregnancy. Guava is rich in Vitamin C, E, iso-flavonoids, carotenoids and polyphenols. Guava will help pregnant women have a good immune system and blood circulation is good. Guava will also facilitate digestion and help neurodevelopmental mother fetus in the mother's womb.
- Wine
Many myths say that grapefruit is a fruit that should not be consumed by pregnant women. On the contrary, it turns out the content of vitamin A in grapes make a great fruit for pregnant women. Vitamin A helps the mother to stabilize and balance the body's metabolic rate. The wine is also a source of folic acid, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and sodium are minerals that the body needs to function more optimally.
- lemon
Famous lemon diet can help when used as a water infusion ter real is also a great fruit for pregnant women. Yet refreshing sour taste in the fruit will help mothers in reducing nausea, morning sickness and some other problems in pregnancy. Lemon contains a lot of Vitamin C and antioxidants that are good for the immune system and repair damaged body cells. In addition to lemon, orange, lime and fruit this kind of nutritional value and benefits equally good.
Fruit is a good type of food eaten by anyone, including pregnant women. The content of nutrients, vitamins and minerals offered the fruit is usually not found in other foods such as meat and vegetables. Then, tucking a variety of fruits in the diet of pregnant women is a wise and healthy decisions. Pregnant women are also prone to constipation, which is difficult BAB due to lack of water and fiber. Almost all fruits contain considerable amount of fiber. This means, consuming fruit regularly during pregnancy can help mothers in avoiding constipation circumstances. Eat fruits berviariasi well as good food for other pregnant women and enough water in order to provide the best health conditions for the body of the mother and fetus. RELATED POST Some Type of Food Causes Miscarriage In Pregnancy
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